Thursday, May 30, 2013

Warning: Contains Awesome Food Related Profanity

Its a hot early summer day here in Harrisburg. On days when I wake up sweating I usually start looking for some cool recipe inspiration for dinner first thing. In my perusal of recipes featuring lots of cold salads and grilled yumminess, I saw an article on about the winne rof the best new food blog and had to check it out for myself.

I know its weird..... a blog post about another blogger. This blog took me by surprise though. I'm talking about "Thug Kitchen".  You've probably seen the pictures from this blog on Pinterest or floating around Facebook. I find them really funny. A lot of people find them offensive because of the profanity.

Yes, there is a lot of profanity on this blog because this guy is completely passionate about eating healthy. I know I'm not the only person who get s so frustrated seeing what other people eat sometime and find myself swearing. For me, this is usually an internal process. I like the brutal honesty and intensity of this blog. The author wrote it for entertainment purposes, but also to put some good healthy food recipes out in the universe. Bonus if you're a vegetarian because the recipes are, for the majority, plant based. (His girl friend is a vegan.)

So if you have a few minutes, and no children in the room, I suggest you check out 

I'll be back to my old every other week posting schedule shortly. Lots of big news is on its way.... and lots of new recipes too since my garden is going to explode very shortly.  Hope everyone had a happy & healthy memorial day weekend!

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