Friday, April 30, 2010

Lower Your Family's Carbon footprint, 1 Monday at a time

Ok, so you probably read that title and went, "huh?".  Let me explain. Meat Free Monday is a movement that was originally started Stella, Mary  &Paul McCartney (yes, thats right, of The Beatles fame.)  Many people are unaware that livestock production is responsible for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions – that’s more than the entire transport sector.  Simply by removing meat from your diet for just one day a week, (it doesn't have to be Monday), can make a huge environmental impact. Check out these facts:

  • About 40 calories of fossil fuel energy go into every calorie of feed lot beef, as opposed to the 2.2 calories of fossil fuel energy which goes into producing one calorie of plant-based protein.
  • The estimated 634 gallons of fresh water required to produce one 5.2 ounce (147g) beef burger would be enough for a four-hour shower.5 For comparison, the same quantity of tofu requires 143 gallons of water to produce.6
  • A low meat diet (defined as 70g of beef and 325g of chicken and eggs per week), as recommended by Harvard Medical School, can reduce how much we need to spend in tackling climate change – estimated to be around $40 trillion globally by 2050 – by 54%. Cutting out meat altogether or avoiding or avoiding ruminant meat (cows, sheep, goats) would cut the cost by 70%, and a vegan diet by 80%.
 I'm not suggesting you all radically change your diets and become tofu addicts overnight or switch to a completely raw food diet. In fact, a lot of people don't like the taste and texture of tofu, my better half is included in that population.  Eating meatless one day per week is easier than you think. When was the last time you had a good seasonal veggie stir fry or a veggie powerhouse sandwich (which especially good if you get some yummy dill havarti rice cheese on it)? 

You can enjoy an international night at home with yummy middle eastern inspired  items such as hummus with raw veggies, a Tagine &  falafel. Go Greek with stuffed grape leaves and spanikopita. Or how about some vegetable sushi & summer rolls? They're chock full of good for you fiber & grains such as avacado, brown rice, carrots & cucumbers. You can accompany them with some sweet n spicy chili sauce or pickled ginger.  The possibilities really are endless. Want something more conventional? How about a homemade pizza topped with some grilled vegetables  or pasta primavera?

The point is that enjoying meatless meal options doesn't have you eating food without flavor or leave you hungry, once you understand all the choices that are out there and available to you. Give Meat Free Monday a try, I'm sure you'll be surprised at how good it can be, both for you & the planet.  On that note, I'm going to go munch on a spicy black bean burger with some homemade guac & fresh salsa.......

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pay It Forward.....

A part of living a holistic life is to participate & be involved in the community in which you live.

This Thursday, April 26, 2010, is National Pay it Forward Day. This day celebrates the Pay It Forward Movement, that began after Catherine Ryan Hyde wrote a very inspiring work of fiction by the same name, which was later turned into a movie, starring Kevin Spacey, Helen hunt & Haley Joel Osmont. The goal of the movement is to show all people, even kids, that they can change the world through one act of kindness at a time. 

"How Can I Pay It Forward?
The premise of the novel “Pay It Forward” is one that any person can implement in his or her own life, at any time.  It begins with doing a favor for another person ~ without any expectation of being paid back.  Indeed one would request that the recipient of that favor do the same for someone else ~ ideally, for three other people.  The unconditional favors can be large or small.  As 12-year-old Trevor observes in the novel:  it doesn't have to be a big thing.  It can just seem that way, depending on whom you do it for.   There’s really no end to what you can do when you set your mind to Pay It Forward!"
-taken from the Pay It Forward Foundation Website

So, here is my personal challenge to all of you out there who read this blog: Think of at least one way to pay it forward this Thursday and be responsible for creating the change in your community that you desire. 
"Be the Change you want to see in the world."
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." 
~ both quotations by Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring Cleaning time.... of your body

Today I wanted to talk about the Detox fad that seems to be sweeping the country. 
Unfortunately, our modern lifestyle exposes us to an increasingly complex (and deteriorating) environment, so that our naturally built- in detoxification systems must work overtime just to process the toxins we encounter in everyday life.  So yes, our impressive elimination systems need supplementary help in tough times, but how do we separate the health from the hype? 

Holistic health practitioners  will argue that long before our organs show signs of failing, they show signs of overload and stress. Given the unprecedented number of environmental and food-related toxins we all encounter on a daily basis, strengthening and supporting the body’s natural detoxification systems makes common sense. It’s an effective way to protect and improve overall health and vitality, and may even help the body resolve longstanding health problems. 

The quick-fix detox methods that seem to garner the most attention and excitement. Spas and salons offer ionic footbaths that turn the water varying colors as they supposedly suck toxins through the feet. Detoxifying body wraps offer to shrink off inches. Pricey cleansing kits with overnight promises sell like hotcakes.
Promises of speedy weight loss, in particular, make detox programs almost irresistible to body-conscious consumers. But the notion of detoxing and fasting purely for weight loss is a relatively new phenomenon and, according to most health experts, not an especially healthy one.  

If you are determined to try a quick fix detox, which I highly recommend you DO NOT do, you should do so with the assistance of a naturopath doctor or trained nutritionist.  Many people who need detoxification the most aren't getting their daily required nutritional intake as it is. Quick detoxes offer almost no nutritional supplementation which makes them dangerous. So if you must try this, please be sure to do so with the aid of a trained professional so it can be as safe as possible.

I believe we need to take a bigger picture view when it comes to detoxing the body: A truly healthy detox process is about gaining physical and emotional vitality, not losing pounds, achieving an unrealistic state of hygienic purity or finding an instant miracle cure for a chronic condition.
The biggest aid in successful detoxing is clear intent and commitment. This allows you to be guided by healthy intentions rather than driven by fear or a compulsive deprivation. Also give yourself a lengthy period of time, say a month, or  even longer if you're able, to let the process work on your system, as opposed to shocking your body for a few days.

Most successful detox programs work by replenishing necessary nutrients and removing stored toxins that are gumming up the works, which can have a variety of sources.These include airborne pollutants like diesel fumes, synthetic household cleaners, and inflammatory food substances like refined sugar and caffeine, as well as common food allergens like gluten and dairy products. Elimination diets can be quite helpful, as in taking a couple of weeks’ break from sugar, caffeine, alcohol, wheat and dairy products. But it’s not just what you take out of your diet that counts, it’s also what you put in.

All experts agree that some preparation — whether restoring nutrients, building up organ capacity, or weaning the body from refined foods — is important before starting a cleanse. The same applies to post-detox reentry: To seal the benefits of a cleanse, you need to return to regular eating slowly and deliberately, so your body has time to adjust. Experts also agree that certain side effects are likely to accompany any detox process, both because the flood of toxins being released into the bloodstream can produce nausea, headaches and low energy, and because ceasing the intake of substances like coffee and sugar can lead to physical withdrawal.

You can receive appreciable benefits from these daily detox habits:
Drink more water. One of the easiest things you can do to support the healthy elimination of toxins is to drink plenty of water. “Our kidneys are fantastic waste removers,” says Jamieson. “They get rid of the waste products from protein metabolism — uric acid, urea and lactic acid — but they need lots of water to accomplish this.” Because we excrete 10 cups of water a day just by sweating, urinating and breathing, she recommends consuming no fewer than 10 glasses of water daily.
Epsom salts are a gentle, effective detox method  anytime. Epsom salts contain a generous amount of magnesium, a calming mineral that can be absorbed through the skin, and hot water produces a gentle sweat that lets toxins out. 
Eat your (organic) vegetables. Adequate fiber and phytonutrients play a key role in supporting the body’s detoxification processes, and a steady supply of organic veggies  (especially all those wonderful leafy greens, like spinach) will give you both. Try to eliminate refined and allergenic foods, sticking with a primarily whole-food diet.  A vegetarian diet based on organic whole foods has multiple detox advantages: It adds fiber, it reduces your exposure to toxins, and it’s easy. When you switch to a diet based on vegetable proteins, you automatically consume fewer antibiotics, saturated fats, nitrates and hormones. The switch will allow your body to calm down, clean out and bulk up on healing nutrients, antioxidants and phytonutrients.
Skin brushing  Our bodies lose a significant amount of toxins through the skin,  brushing is something we can do to detox every day. The only equipment you need is a skin brush — a long brush with coarse bristles and a long handle (available at most natural food stores). Brushing helps remove toxins from the surface of the skin as well as improve blood and lymph circulation. “Always brush from outward extremities toward the heart,” she says, which helps move the lymph fluid in the right direction and supports vascular valve function.
Probiotics. When they are working well, the bacteria in your colon neutralize and remove toxins from the body, so you want to give them plenty of support. Live-culture yogurt, kefir, & kombucha tea  are all easy ways to keep your fighting flora thriving and happy.
Garlic. Heavy metals are very attracted to the chemical compounds in garlic, they will actually unbind from soft tissue to bind with the sulfur present in garlic. a daily ritual of a clove or two of sautéed garlic also works well to keep your system clear of heavy metals. Studies have also shown the herb cilantro to help remove mercury and to have general antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Breathe deep. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system and helps us calm down (reducing a buildup of adrenal stress hormones), as well as releasing a significant load of toxins through exhalation. If we’re stressed, we tend to breathe more shallowly, and this prevents the usual release of toxins through the breath.

Still debating about using some of the products you see advertised ? The following detox strategies have generated a lot of talk, but do they work? Here’s what some experts have to say.
Detox footbaths. Soaking the feet always feels good, but ionic footbaths that purportedly remove toxins through the feet (and turn the water brown) have no scientific support. Some critics argue that the only reason the water turns brown is because the ionic charge has a corrosive effect on the salt in the water. Detox foot pads held over steam show dark stains similar to those that have been plastered to feet, suggesting that heat and moisture, not toxin-drawing powers, are responsible for the results.
Master Cleanse. Created in 1941 by Stanley Burroughs, an early raw-food advocate, the Master Cleanse involves a 10-day fast using water mixed with lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Elson M. Haas, MD, of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, Calif., does recommend this to some of his patients as a “spring cleanse,” especially if they are experiencing congestion related to overconsumption of processed foods, but he supervises them carefully throughout the fast. “Medical supervision is important for anyone in poor health or without fasting experience,” he says. He doesn’t recommend Master Cleanse for weight loss, however. For excess weight, he recommends long-term dietary shifts to avoid an unhealthy boomerang.
Colon cleanses. Yates will sometimes suggest over-the-counter kits for people who are new to detox and feel more comfortable having measured ingredients and instructions. Still, most colon-cleansing kits contain fairly simple combinations of bentonite clay and fiber (along with herbs that help speed elimination), and you can buy these ingredients in bulk (or packaged Ă  la carte) at any natural food store for much less money than the typical kit. And remember: Kits sold on TV are a risky financial bet, since they often rope you into “memberships” with monthly deliveries — and monthly charges to your credit card that can be hard to cancel.
Colonics. Colonics are essentially professional enemas; they involve working with a health professional who uses water and herbal combinations to cleanse the colon. According to some experts, colonics can be effective at clearing out stored waste, but they are generally unnecessary and may prove risky for some people. They can disturb the normal pressure of fluids in the colon, upset the balance of intestinal bacteria, and possibly encourage an unhealthy, obsessive mindset in some individuals."

A magic cure it is not, but as a practical support for the body’s own intelligence and healing systems, a good detox program is hard to beat. If you keep the big picture in mind — detoxing for vitality rather than control and purity — you’ll be on the right track to a healthier, happier body.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Achoo!! Dealing with Spring Allergies

There are over 35 million people in the US who deal with spring time allergies. I happen to be one of them.  When I first started having symptoms I went to my doctor and she prescribed a trio of prescriptions. I don't like being on medication, if I can help it.  In the past I was under the impression i had to take all of these medications to stay healthy. Over the years, I've learned a few tricks & tips to help keep my allergies at bay so that  I don't have to take so many prescriptions. I'm at the point now that I am down to 1 kind of antihistamine drug, which I only have to take on really high pollen count days. To me, that is a huge improvement over my previous allergy regimen. These ideas may help reduce your symptoms, but they will not eliminate them completely.  Any remedies or alterations to the medications you use should be discussed with your doctor. Most doctors will be happy to help you figure out a natural way to deal with allergies. 

It’s nearly impossible to completely avoid spring allergies if you live in an area where plants grow. However, you can ease sniffling, sneezing, and watery eyes by avoiding your main allergy triggers. Here are a few tips.
  • Try to stay indoors whenever the pollen count is very high (pollen counts usually peak in the mornings between 5am- 10am). 
  • if you're a runner or walker change your exercise time to avoid peak pollen times. Think about maybe giving swimming a try as another form of exercise.
  • Keep your doors and windows closed whenever possible during the spring months to keep allergens out. An air purifier may also help. I hate to have the windows closed in the spring, but this tip is key for severe allergy sufferers.
  • Clean the air filters in your home often. Also, clean bookshelves, vents, and other places where pollen can collect. 
  • During high pollen season in the spring, spend time at low pollen areas such as the beach or ocean. 
  • Wash your hair, clothes & glasses after going outside, because pollen can collect there.
  • Do not hang your clothes or sheets to dry outdoors because pollen can easily deposit and accumulate. Wash sheets in a temperature greater than 130 degrees to reduce dust mites, which are insects invisible to the naked eye but the most common cause of allergy symptoms.
  • Vacuum twice a week.

Some allergy sufferers turn to natural therapies for relief, although the research is mixed on their effectiveness:
  • Use a netipot! I cannot stress what a positive impact this makes. when my allergies are really bad I use this once in the morning and once before going to bed.  Nasal irrigation with a combination of warm water, about a quarter-teaspoon of salt, and a quarter-teaspoon of baking soda helps clear out mucus and open sinus passages.  Want to know more about netipots? Check out my past blog from 1/10/10 entitled

    A Preventative Approach to Battling Winter Runny Noses. If you're on the verge of a sinus infection this can make the difference and help you avoid having one. My doctor was actually the person who recommended this great little remedy.

  • ButterburExtract. The herb butterbur (Petasites hybridus), which comes from a European shrub, shows potential for relieving seasonal allergy symptoms. Its primarily used to treat migraine headaches & help asthma sufferers. Its usually taken in 50-75mg doses twice daily. Make sure to get this from a reputable pharmacy and do not try to grow this one yourself. Too much in your system (especially if its not processed correctly), can be toxic too your liver.  In one Swiss study, butterbur was just as effective as the antihistamine Allegra for reducing allergy symptoms.
  • Quercetin. This flavonoid, which is found naturally in onions, apples, and black tea, has anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown in research to block histamines. Be sure to talk to your doctor about this supplement if you're taking any antibiotics as it may alter their effectiveness.
  • Stinging nettle. The roots and leaves of the stinging nettle plant (Urtica dioica) have been used to treat everything from joint pain to prostate problems. There are several ways to take this. You can use 20 drops of the extract in some warm water. It can can be taken in capsule form, or the most common way is to drink it in a tea. How to make a stining nettel tea/ infusion
 Boil water in a tea kettle or in a non-alluminum pan. Stainless steel is best. Add the dried stinging nettle to the glass mason jar. When water starts boiling, pour over the dried stinging nettle to the top. Secure the lid tightly. Keep the mason jar on the countertop and let the stinging nettle steep fore 4 to 8 hours. I usually do it overnight. When the nettle is ready, it will be a dark green color. Strain the infusion well before use--you don't want to consume the leaves. There are several ways you can serve the stinging nettle infusion. You can pour it over ice and drink it cold, add it to fruit juice, or reheat it and sweeten with honey or drink unsweetened. There are no restrictions. My favorite ways are to pour it over ice or heat it up. I don't need to sweeten it because it is mild tasting.

Just because a spring allergy treatment says “natural” doesn’t mean that it is safe. Some herbal remedies can cause side effects or can react with medications you’re taking. Talk to your doctor before you start taking any herb or supplement.