Thursday, May 14, 2015

New Beginnings & Finding Home through Banana Bread

I know I haven't been on my traditional blog page in months. Our family has had quite a huge period of adjustment and transformation.  In order to keep things balanced for us, I had to take a bit of an internet break.  Things have finally settled down... a bit so I'm getting back to doing what I love.

In mid February my husband received a job offer that was a complete surprise to us. it seems too good to pass up. As with any situation like this it had a catch.  We had less than 3 weeks to pack up what we needed immediately and move to Charlottesville, VA.  We have been ecstatic but also very stressed at the same time. My son had just turned one and the house was still recovering from his first birthday. All of a sudden I had to figure out what we needed to get started in a new city, pack it up by myself and take care of a toddler all at the same time.  Sometime in all the chaos we also had to keep returning to Harrisburg (about a 4 our drive) to continue packing up our home and put it on the market as soon as possible.

This is  a huge task for anyone and it was about to get harder.  We arrived in Charlottesville excited about all the new possibilities this new city offered.  After all, here is a city known not only for wonderful education like UVA, great hospitals, especially for children, lots of participation in the arts,  an area with a ton of American history and a proud tradition of locavore chefs.  (Guess what I was most excited about?!)  When we pulled up to the apartment we had found in a hurry it all went horribly wrong.  The space was not what we were told we would be living in at all.  It was a dark basement apartment with moisture issues, fleas  and a very funky smell..... not exactly where you want to live with a 1 year old.  We unfortunately didn't have anywhere to go and had to sign the lease.

After a few weeks of injuring myself in a kitchen that no one could cook in, cat acquiring fleas from the apartment and finding any excuse to get out to be around people &  fresh air,  we had had enough.  We had been spending every other weekend heading back to Harrisburg to work on packing up our home and getting it market ready.  My husband was settled at work and I'd been researching places to move to the entire time. Our son definitely was getting frustrated and all three of us started getting sick from the air quality in that awful living space (despite purifiers running 24/7.) We found somewhere we actually wanted to live that was available right away. The decision was made to break our lease (a very expensive move that I don't recommend unless truly necessary) and carry on.  I am happy to say that 3 weeks ago we made our move and today is the first day I truly can begin feeling at home.

For me, being able to cook comfort food for my family is how I begin to feel at home.  Today I am starting that process by making banana bread.  We had a ton of ripe bananas from running around so much (easy to carry in bag and purses, no refrigeration needed), so I'm making a double batch. I divided the batter in half. The first half I'm turning into mini muffins for my son. They 're convenient finger food for toddlers on the go. The second half I have added chocolate chips and walnuts to bake into a loaf of bread for my husband and I.   I have made a lot of different versions of banana bread over the years, here is my current favorite.

You will need:
1 2/3 cups flour ( I like organic whole grain white flour for this recipe)
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp cardamon
1/2 cup organic cane sugar
1/2 cup coconut sugar
2 eggs (I prefer extra large organic)
1/2 cup oil ( if you don't mind a tropical infusion I love coconut oil. It also gives the bread a beautiful rich color.  Avocado oil is a great alternative to keep in your healthy fats without changing any flavors as well).
3 1/2 very ripe banana, mashed
2 Tbsp Organic Greek Yogurt
1 tsp Vanilla
2/3 cups nuts or fillers of your choosing***

Preheat the oven to 350F.  Line the bottom of a loaf pan with parchment paper.  If making mini muffins, I like to use silicone molds and I spray them with coconut oil.  First sift together the baking soda, flour and spices. Set these aside in a bowl.  Then, beat the eggs and sugar in a mixer with the whisk attachment and run for about 10 minutes, until light and fluffy. Next, drizzle in the oil and add the mashed bananas, greek yogurt and vanilla. Fold in the dry ingredients and any fillers.  For the mini muffins bake about 40 minutes or if you're baking a loaf 45 minutes to an hour.  Let cool a bit and enjoy! If you have any left at the end of the day, the slices of bread and mini muffins freeze well for future grab n go snacks.

***Note: a few optional fillers other than nuts that our family enjoys are raspberries, blueberries, strawberry pieces or chocolate chips. Sometimes I make a tropical version with macadam nuts, coconut chips and crushed pineapple.  The batter is fairly versatile.

Friday, February 13, 2015

"Fight the Fear and do it Anyway"

Its the second week of February and by now many of you are truly taking stock and are ready to put a lot of those New Year's resolutions into action. You've thought about how you are going to do something and what it will take for you to start..... but what is generally stopping you from an exciting new adventure? Fear.

Starting anything new is scary.  A new beginning can be a big thing like a move but it can also be simpler acts such as starting a new healthy habit, meeting or talking to someone new, and even trying a new food.  Fear causes stress and we naturally tend to think of stress as being a bad thing.  When fear starts running our lives it can prevent us from experiencing some really awesome events and feelings.  New starts and resolutions tend to get stopped before they even start when fear of change kicks in.

Change is stressful, but that can be a good thing too.  I know, you think I'm speaking like a crazy person.... but hear me out.  Stress is defined in the dictionary as a response to a stimulus that interferes with the normal equilibrium in the body.  We constantly associate stress as a negative thing but by definition if I try a new ice cream flavor and have a positive reaction (such as being super excited about this taste explosion in my mouth), that technically is a response to stimuli that is changing the normal equilibrium in my body. I generally don't walk around giddy constantly.

So as you see, some stress can be a good thing.  Change can lead to so many wonderful possibilities. If you have a job you really hate and decide to find a new one thats a big change. It is also one that can lead to your general everyday contentment if you find your dream job that fulfills you.  if you dont embrace the chance to change you could be missing out.

I like to think of fear as a doorway. It is preventing us from seeing all the really great possibilities that are waiting on the other side of it. If we choose to challenge our  fears and open the door an entire world of imagination exists.  Our wildest dreams truly can be  our reality.

My husband was just offered a new opportunity that will have huge changes for our entire family but limitless possibilities as well while we move to a new state...... with only  a few weeks to do it.  Am I stressed? Hell yes!  My house looks like a bomb went off from my son's first birthday party and he just started walking/ getting into everything.  I need to pack up our essentials by myself while my husband finishes up his last two weeks of work. This is one of the riskiest things we've ever done.  Stay tuned to find out how those possibilities worked out.