Meditation allows us to quiet our minds, relax, focus, and concentrate on one single thought...or nothing at all. There's the old cliché that meditation is just sitting around staring at a candle. It's true. It's one very effective way to start learning to meditate. But think about fire, when ever someone starts some kind of fire, one person will inevitably say how much they love watching fire, and everyone instantly agrees. While the flame from a candle isn't the same, it can be just as exciting to gaze at. It's peaceful, pure, bright, and even has a visible aura around it. It's beautiful. A stunning, small flame made from an element of destruction. Ironic that it is used to bring about a peaceful, or romantic atmosphere.
The benefits of meditation that many experience are feeling of peace, improved concentration, and a feeling of being more in touch with ones self. Not to mention, helping lowering your blood pressure & heart rate.
The whole point of meditation is to relax and concentrate, so you can't be disturbed while you're trying to meditate. Turn off the phone, find a place where you will not be disturbed by people, your cell phone, computer sounds, TV, and such. Turn them all off . It's VERY important not to pressure yourself into trying to get certain results of any kind. Breathe in deeply, allowing your stomach to expand and retract. Don't worry about your lungs, they'll fill up without your help. So take in a deep breath, hold it for the count of 3 to 5, and exhale the same amount of seconds that feel right to you. After doing this breathing exercise just 3 times, should make you feel more relaxed, so you can imagine how good it would make you feel if you kept doing it as much as possible.
Try this outdoor winter meditation:
Sitting on a bench, walking in a park or along a snowy street is an opportune time to practice regular even breathing. If sitting - counts 1, 2, breathe in; counts 3, 4, breathe out. And, if walking - take 2 steps while breathing in; 2 steps while breathing out. After a few minutes seep within to your own center of warmth. Reflect that in the meeting of stillness outside and within, we reach a natural balance of appreciation and connection with the rhythms of life; the coming and going of day and season. Finish your outdoor meditation with a deep breath in and out; going indoors revitalized!
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