Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Beginnings

Did you ever notice how starting a new school or course of study tends to change your outlook on life and how you see the world? I remember at about this same time of year back in 2009, I began a journey at the Mt Nittany Institute of health to become a life coach. Part of the basis of the program was that we learned techniques to help people discover aspects of their lives that have been dormant, by going through the program ourselves. The program gave me an entirely new perspective on how to practice the often neglected art of self care. It also helped me to understand biases I had developed over time and gave me a new way to interact with my fellow humans. Throughout the program there were some stumbling blocks as I tried new things both in my daily practices and in my life at home. As I worked through each of these stumbling blocks, I discovered my life becoming increasingly rewarding with each new step.   Now, I find myself in a similar starting point.

I have recently started on a new journey at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I am really excited about this new path and already started implementing some new daily habits. One aspect of the program that I'm most excited about is learning about many of the different nutritional theories and diets out there. As with much of my studies at Mt Nittany, this too is an immersion program with many new practices to add to my daily life.

One of the beginning exercises of the program is a special journal with some checklists to be filled out each morning and each night. I'm currently sitting in bed marinating on the wonderful day I spent with my hubby today: we went to a local winery and enjoyed the chilly air and sunshine along the wonderfully winding country roads in our area.  Then I began reflecting on what my eating habits were like today......massive fail.  This is especially a shame because I did great all week and my energy and attitude definitely reflected my eating choices.  I do tend eat very healthily and mindfully in general, but what I'm discovering about myself is that I only do it when I have time/ it feels most convenient. This is a habit I need to change. The biggest violation of that consistency is my breakfast habits.

So, dear readers, my next several posts/ recipes are going to be focused on trying some new things.  I can be your own personal Guinea Pig on all those weird health crazes you've hear baout/ wanted to try. So if you've heard of something you're curious about drop me a line. I'm trying to expand my personal food boundaries.   My first experiment will be tomorrow. Later in the week I will be seeing if I like Chia seeds and attempting Vegan overnight oats which I've read about on the Oh She Glows blog (really good recipes there).

Hopefully, I'll discover some new breakfast favorites that I'll be able to make in advance or in a hurry so I can develop some better morning habits to help me get through the rest of my day.  Tomorrow's breakfast: a sprouted grain cinnamon raisin bagel with almond butter. Yum! More details coming tomorrow. Good night. 

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