Monday, May 14, 2012

One of Our First Milestones

Today is the one year anniversary of my husband and I getting married.  After all the stress, drama and chaos of the previous year of wedding planning we were so looking forward to a break.  We imagined the first year as husband and wife to be one of relaxation, bliss and lots of wonderful time together. Whomever started this rumor, I want to smack them. Apparently, so do all of our friends who've been married recently. 

For today's young, or even not so young, newlywed couples this vision truly is a fantasy. We juggled jobs, a new home and school..... not to mention trying to maintain a good relationship with our families who are just as busy  as we are and rather far away.   We've talked to a number of fellow newlyweds and the fact of the matter is that we're all too exhausted to be making whoopee all the time. I honestly felt relieved that it wasn't just us.  From the first week of our marriage we began running to family events, even before we left for our honeymoon. As soon as we got back we dove into work and were house shopping. Not exactly a relaxed lifestyle. My husband and I have decided that is not going to be the case for the rest of our marriage. I talk to make clients about creating their own "Life in Balance", and this is the year my husband is teaming up with me to make our home life just that. 

On Wednesday we're getting out of town for a few days to enjoy Virginia wine country and renew our vows.  We found some great restaurants that specialize in local sustainable foods.  Time away for us has been long overdue.  Charley and I have decided this is going to be the the beginning of "our year". We have vowed to travel more, spend more time turning our new house into the home we've dreamed of, get in shape together and he is helping me turn my dream job into a full time career. This is huge since currently my job to pay the bills has a very inconvenient schedule that is one of the reasons we don't see each other enough.  I am really excited about all the adventures we will have this year and maybe with all of this new found time spent together one of those adventures will be to become parents. 

Here's to hoping. I'm not going to stress about what may or may not happen this year, but one thing I will definitely be doing is enjoying the ride.

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